Application case of spring shock absorber/ Flanged rubber bellows in Weifang Henglian Special Paper Co., Ltd
Songjiang group Time:2022-4-24

Application case of spring shock absorber/ Flanged rubber bellows in Weifang Henglian Special Paper Co., Ltd

Quick Details

Spring shock absorber is mainly applicable to anti vibration of pipelines and equipment in nuclear power plant, thermal power plant, chemical plant, steel plant, etc. It is often used to control the pipe system vibration of continuous fluid vibration excitation (such as fluid pulsation, two-phase flow, high-speed flow and wind vibration).

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Application case of spring shock absorber/ Flanged rubber bellows in Weifang Henglian Special Paper Co., Ltd

The official website of Shanghai Songjiang shock absorber Group Co., Ltd. introduces to you: [Weifang Henglian Special Paper Co., Ltd.] contract information of Weifang Henglian Special Paper Co., Ltd. We provide spring shock absorber/ Flanged rubber bellows for more paper machines in other paper mills.

Application case of spring shock absorber/ Flanged rubber bellows in Weifang Henglian Special Paper Co., Ltd

Introduction to Weifang Henglian Special Paper Co., Ltd.

Weifang Henglian Special Paper Co., Ltd. was registered and established in the Administration for Industry and Commerce of Hanting District, Weifang City on July 1, 1999. Business scope: manufacturing and sales: coated paper and special coated paper; Production and sales of machine-made paper and processed paper (excluding anti-counterfeiting paper); Sales of paper machinery, equipment and accessories; Operate the export business of self-produced products and technologies of the enterprise; Operate the import of raw and auxiliary materials, instruments and meters, mechanical equipment, spare parts and technology required by the production and scientific research of the enterprise.


Application case and contract introduction of spring shock absorber/ Flanged rubber bellows in Weifang Henglian Special Paper Co., Ltd

Application case of spring shock absorber/ Flanged rubber bellows in Weifang Henglian Special Paper Co., Ltd

Application case of spring shock absorber/ Flanged rubber bellows in Weifang Henglian Special Paper Co., Ltd

Application case of spring shock absorber/ Flanged rubber bellows in Weifang Henglian Special Paper Co., Ltd

Spring shock absorber is mainly applicable to anti vibration of pipelines and equipment in nuclear power plant, thermal power plant, chemical plant, steel plant, etc. It is often used to control the pipe system vibration of continuous fluid vibration excitation (such as fluid pulsation, two-phase flow, high-speed flow and wind vibration).

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